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August at Rosh HaNikra: Grottoes and Other Surprises

Talma Gotteiner

Hi there,

At the northern border point on the Mediterranean coastline, is a gorgeous nature attraction suitable for the whole family. Natural grottoes on the coastline accessible by cable car ensure a unique and breathtaking experience.  Once you go down you can visit the train tunnel that passed from Haifa to Lebanon during the British mandate period and watch a unique video.

But that's not all. There are several additional touristic offerings in the area that can fill your day. Some are described below.

WHEN: Throughout August

August at Rosh HaNikra: Grottoes and Other Surprises
Credit: Pavel Klimenko

Galilee on Wheels – Every day, field trips in an open truck will be conducted from Rosh HaNikra to the top of the mountain where a charming forest reserve, the "Hasulam" ridge covering 1,200 dunams exists. It is a fun way to experience the Western Galilee. During the route, passengers will enjoy audio guidance accompanying the views. The tour also includes quality guidance and a stop for cold watermelon at the lookout across the ridge. Duration: 1 hour. Tour departure hours: 11:30, 13:00, 14:30, 16:00.

Other enrichments - For an additional fee, you can also combine cycling or a trip in an electric vehicle along the seaside promenade. You can rent headphones for audio guidance in 6 languages that present 12 different audio stations providing guidance on the history of the sites, extraordinary geology, fauna, and nature. You can stop at café "Mool HaYam" (i.e. 'Across the Sea') or the restaurant "HaTzuk BaNekarot (i.e. 'The Cliff in the Grottoes') to enjoy a light summer menu, varied drinks, and good coffee in front of one of the most beautiful sunsets in the country.

Lantern Tours – Lastly, on various days during the month, the grottoes tourist site will reopen from 19:30 for after-dark lantern tours that include a ride on the illuminated cable car to the marine grottoes and a guided tour of the grottoes by lantern light. You will learn how the grottoes were created and why, of all places. You will ascend the famous bridge over which the British mandate train passed, which was used by the illegal immigrants for entry into the country, and hear the fascinating story of the night the underground blew up the railway bridge. Duration: An hour and a quarter. 


Details of days and pre-registration on the Rosh HaNikra website.

Through the website, you can enjoy a rich virtual store where discounted tickets are offered for purchase to a variety of attractions, accommodation, culinary, and a variety of other tourist sites in the Western Galilee.

New for the summer vacation: combined 'Triangle' tickets that offer 3 different attractions at special prices and allow for a day full of experiences at a reduced price.



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