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Jerusalem Attractions for Sukkot 2021

Talma Gotteiner

Updated: Sep 21, 2021

Hi there,

I'm happy to share with you a number of attractions for the Sukkot holiday.

Jerusalem Attractions for Sukkot 2021
Credit: A Meeting of Klezmer Musicians and Hasidic Stories at the Old Yishuv Court Museum in Jerusalem, Yael Herman

'Seeing the Invisible'- Augmented Reality at the Jerusalem Botanical Garden in Givat-Ram - A New International Exhibition

The largest exhibition of contemporary art works created in augmented reality (AR) technology seen in Israel will be displayed simultaneously in 12 botanical gardens around the world, a first-of-its-kind international collaboration entirely initiated by the Jerusalem Botanical Garden, the Outset Fund and supported by the Jerusalem Foundation.

Thirteen leading Israeli and international artists are participating in an exhibition that will open simultaneously in 12 botanical gardens around the world. The works will be viewed through a dedicated app for the exhibition SEEING THE INVISIBLE that visitors to the exhibition will use while wandering around the beautiful botanical garden. Most of the works are large in size and deal with issues related to nature, the environment, sustainability, and the encounter between the physical and digital world.

Alongside the exhibition, there will be a variety of activities for children every day: making paper flower pots and sowing wildflowers from the garden's seed collection that they can take home, adding a "layer to reality" by drawing on a transparent slide and placing it in the garden. There will be tasks and activities that will connect the children to nature, and each task will be accompanied by a stamp from the instructors.

It is recommended to download the "seeing the invisible" exhibition app before arriving at the garden. Available on ISTORE and Google Play. In addition, don't forget to come with a fully charged mobile device or iPad including headphones.

WHEN: Opening September 22, 2021 - August 2022

AGES: For the whole family.

TICKETS: The exhibition and activities for children are included in the entrance ticket: Adult / child 40 NIS, Jerusalem card holders: 28 NIS Soldier / student / retiree: 25 NIS, Free admission for Jerusalem children up to the age of 18 by presenting an identity card or accompanied by one parent.

For more details and to purchase tickets in advance call 6226* or 02-6794012 or through the website.

Ice Skating in Jerusalem

In light of the high demand, the Jerusalem Municipality and the Ariel company decided to continue the ice skating attraction during the month of September. The attraction will also operate on holiday eves, holidays and Saturdays.

The complex, specially brought from Austria is a professional skating rink covering an area of ​​750 square meters, is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and has a skilled training team that invites you to a fun experience during the holidays. The complex is accessible for carriages and wheelchairs.

WHEN: Until Sept 30th, 2021 including holiday eves, holiday ends and Saturday

WHERE: The First Station, 4 David Remez, Jerusalem

TICKETS: Suitable for ages 5-55. A skating hour is 45 NIS upon presentation of a Jerusalem card. Full price: 67 NIS / two hours 100 NIS. Discounted tickets are available through credit cards and security force clubs. For more details: call 03-7772030. Pre-order through the website.

Music at the Friends of Israel Museum

A rhythmic and sweeping musical show where children (suitable for ages 3-10) will learn to drum, move according to the rhythm, get to know percussion instruments from around the world, play musical rhythms from different cultures and more. In addition, children and parents are invited to view children's films. During a guided tour of the museum, visitors will enjoy a journey through history, through 7 advanced audio-sound multimedia exhibits that combine innovative design, technology and effects. The Friends of Israel Museum is an experiential historical center on the subject of Zionism, which provides a platform for the stories of heroism and kindness of non-Jews who engraved on their flag to act in any way they could, in the face of personal hardships and difficulties, in faith, to return the Jewish people.

WHEN: Sukkot -Sept 22-23 and 26, 2021 (rhythm show). Films will be screened in two rounds 11:00 and 15:30. The museum is open Sundays-Thursdays: 10:00-18:00 (last tour at 17:00), Fridays between 9:00-15:00 (last tour at 14:00).

WHERE: 20 Yosef Rivlin, Nahalat Shiva, Jerusalem

TICKETS: Children (3-18) / resident of Jerusalem / student 33 NIS. Adults 44 NIS. Retiree / disabled / soldier - 22 NIS. Family entrance fee for a tour of the museum (2 adults + 3 children) 100 NIS. Rhythm show 20 NIS. Movie 10 NIS per person. Tickets and registration through the website or by phone: 02-5329400.

A Meeting of Klezmer Musicians and Hasidic Stories at the Old Yishuv Court Museum in Jerusalem

The Klezmer meeting will include melodies and stories for the whole family with Gershon Lazerson and Eric Shipman - members of the Israeli Klezmer Orchestra, a meeting with the author Tamar Meir accompanied by a violin and guitar who will tell the Chassidic story 'The Wagon' about four Chassidim traveling with a kind-hearted wagon driver, two old horses and an old wagon to the Great Rebbe. Along the way they will encounter obstacles and difficulties that will be overcome through music and spirit. The play "The Last Match" - The hardships of the veteran Jerusalem matchmaker Shlomel on the way to the last match (actors Aya Luft and Edward Shprochman). In addition, there will be a guided tour of the museum's exhibitions and special activities every day.

WHEN: Sukkot: Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday (22-23.9, 26.9) 10:00-15:00, Friday and evening of Simchat Torah (24.9, 27.9) - 10:00-13:00.

WHERE: 6 Or HaChaim, the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem.

TICKETS: The activity is included in the entry price. Family card 50 NIS. Retiree and child 10 NIS. Adult 20 NIS.

Tickets are available through the website or phone: 02-6276319, 052-4002478.

Happy Sukkot!


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