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Puzzleland Conducts A Puzzle Championship in Tel-Aviv

Talma Gotteiner

Updated: May 6, 2020

Hi there!

I was invited by Lev PR to attend a puzzle championship that took place this week at Dizengoff Center, Tel-Aviv under the auspices of the Israeli chain of puzzle games, “Puzzleland”.

Puzzleland Championship Tel-Aviv,  Chen Aharoni, Alon Piltz, Yossi Bar-On

From left to right: Chen Aharoni, Dizengoff Center CEO Alon Piltz and Yossi Bar-On Puzzleland CEO. Photograph provided by Lev PR.

Dozens of puzzle fans in groups of four, participated in the two-day event that culminated in the final competition to complete as fast as possible, a 1,500-piece puzzle.

Puzzleland Championship Tel-Aviv

The winners of the first place, were again last year’s champions. Three brothers from Jerusalem and Ma’aleh Adumim, and the husband of one of the Hendler family sisters were able to complete putting together the puzzle in an amazing two and a half hours

Puzzleland Championship Tel-Aviv

From Right to Left: Shahaf Wiseman Puzzleland management, Meir Klugheft, chairman of the Toys Division of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and a member of the Presidium, Dizengoff Center CEO Alon Piltz and the winning family. Photograph provided by Lev PR.

A number of local Israeli celebrities participated in the championship as well. Shai Mika winner of Israel’s “Big Brother 7th season”, Ron Kofman an Israeli sports commentator, singer and dancer Michal Amdursky and singer-song writer and “A Star is Born” participant Chen Aharoni, who competed amongst themselves in assembling their own personalized puzzles in the shortest amount of time. Shai Mika was the winner of this challenge.

Puzzleland Championship Tel-Aviv, Shai Mika

Above: Shai Mika. Photograph provided by Lev PR.

The event was also attended by Clara Sharon, the wife of Plato Sharon from the owners of the mall, Meir Klugheft, chairman of the Toys Division of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and a member of the Presidium, Dizengoff Center CEO Alon Piltz and Shachaf Weizman.

Puzzleland Championship Tel-Aviv

From left to right: Michal Amdursky and Chen Aharoni

Puzzleland is the largest chain of stores specializing in puzzle games and models for assembly. Their range of products includes all the latest innovations in the field. Their selection includes: glow in the dark puzzles, 3D puzzles, puzzles that you can wrap up into a cylinder and even puzzles that you can create from your own image by special order.

Puzzleland Championship Tel-Aviv

The store in Dizengoff Center, Tel-Aviv even had a series of Israeli puzzles, which I thought would interest my tourist readers and they are now having discounts for Rosh Hashanah.

Puzzleland Championship Tel-Aviv

L'Shana Tova!


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