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  • Talma Gotteiner

Geoni: Educational Games in Prep for School

Hi there,

The Israeli game maker "Geoni", specializes in developing original thinking and learning games for children is offering a number of games that can help your kids prepare for school and keep certain skills fresh in their minds. I've reviewed one for the learning of the Hebrew alphabet which can be useful for children all over the world who want to learn Hebrew and one for the practice of counting and basic math in Hebrew, which is more suitable for children living in Israel.

"Pashut Lispor" This fun magnetic-learning game teaches children the names of the numbers, how to count and basic math exercises, by way of play and fun.

The game contains digits from 0 to 9, five math action marks (+, -, =, x, :) and 12 illustrated boards, each with a number of items from 1 to 12. The child must pin the correct number under the illustrations, or the appropriate exercise. All parts of the game are magnetic.

The game can be played on a number of levels:

Level 1: Identify the numbers and count - The child should count the number of items on the selected board and place the correct number below it. For example: Under the board where 3 cows are illustrated, place the number 3.

Level 2: Math Exercises - After the child has mastered identifying numbers and knows how to count - this level will practice the use of math action marks, how to place them in the exercise, and then practice them. For example: If the child counts 3 cows, then instead of pinning digit 3 under the illustration, the child should pin an applicable exercise such as: 3 = 1 + 2. Another option is to give the child two boards and ask him/her to list the items that appear on each board and set the appropriate number for each board. Then place the (+) sign between the boards and ask them to add all the items together and say out loud which number came in total. After reaching the solution, place the sign (=) followed by the result. After the child has mastered addition exercises, he/she can then move to subtraction exercises, etc. The kit also includes multiplication and division math action marks so the game can accompany the child up to the fourth grade.

Level 3: The child solves exercises independently with the help of numbers and math action marks. These can be exercises that he/she writes for him/herself.

The magnetic game parts make it possible to play sitting or standing, at home or traveling. You can use any magnetic surface: a magnetic board, the refrigerator, a door in the room etc.

The game is suitable for ages 4 and up.

The game contains: 12 illustrated magnet boards, 30 magnetic numbers and 5 math action marks.

Price: 59.90 NIS.

Available on Toys R Us, Book Junction, Steimatzky and other toy stores.

Geoni: Educational Games in Prep for School

"Pashut Alef Beit"

This educational game teaches how to write the Hebrew letters both in print and everyday writing and identifies the letter that opens each word, by way of play and fun. The game, an Israeli development product, helps to acquire language skills and visual perception.

The game contains magnetic Hebrew alphabet letters, in print and in writing as well as game boards with endearing illustrations of animals, fruits, vehicles and more - under which the child attaches the appropriate opening letter, in print or in writing.

The game can be played in a variety of ways, according to the child's level:

Step 1: Identifying the Letters in both print and writing and understanding their order: The child must complete the missing letter or letters in the presented sequence.

Step 2: A memory game for practice of recognition and matching of both letter types through playing with the letters in a memory game.

Step 3: Identifying an opening letter. The child must place the opening letter on each board.

Step 4: Match a print or written letter to the letter on the board with the illustrations.

At each stage, it is recommended that a parent or adult accompany the child with explanation and illustration, at least until the child recognizes the letters by him/herself.

The game also contains a solutions page, so the child can check if they have identified and matched correctly, or look at the page and match accordingly.

At an advanced stage - the child can spell words, in print or in writing, freely using the magnetic letters.

The magnetic game parts make it possible to play sitting or standing, at home or traveling. You can use any magnetic surface: a magnetic board, the fridge, a door in the room etc.

The game is suitable for ages 6 and up.

The game contains: 54 magnetic Hebrew alphabet letters (in print and writing including final letters); 11 magnet boards with illustrations and a solutions page.

Price: 59.90 NIS.

Available on Toys R Us, Book Junction, Steimatzky and other toy stores.

Geoni: Educational Games in Prep for School

Have fun with the games and good luck in the new school year!

Best, Talma

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